
Hey! This is an introduction to slackbot-api, this introduction will get you started with writing a simple Slack Bot, and no, it's not hard!

Slack Side

Okay, first things first, we have to create a bot in our Slack Team (if you don't have a slack team, create one).

To do so, open Custom Integrations, click Bots and Add configuration, enter a name (You can just go with Sibe).

In the next page, upload an image for your bot (Sibe's avatar!) or choose an emoji. On top of the page, there is the API Token you need to connect to your bot. Keep it somewhere, you need it in the next step.

Breathing life into your bot

Now's the time when your bot actually does something. Initialize a project:

 mkdir bot
 cd bot
 npm init -y
 npm install -S slackbot-api

Create a file, call it whatever you want (e.g. index.js) and import slackbot-api.

import Bot from 'slackbot-api';

const bot = new Bot({ token: 'YOUR_API_TOKEN' });
bot.listen(/Hello/, message => {
  message.reply('Hello human!');

*You should either compile the program using babel or use babel-node for running the programs in this tutorial.

Alright, now run the program and send "Hello" to your bot! This is the Hello World in the bot world.

Hello Bot!

Congratulations 🎉, you just made your first bot, and it was easy, wasn't it?

Learn more

A fan of bots already? Explore the documentation and create amazing bots!

Have questions? Join our Slack Team and ask your questions! Found a bug? Please fill an issue on GitHub. Want to contribute? Read our contribution guide and start hacking! Pull-requests are always welcome!

See Also

The Sibe Bot Platform

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