
Message attachments are one of the greatest features of Slack API. They let you enrich your messages with beautiful formats.

As fun as they might seem, writing attachment objects is not really that easy, sometimes the attachments become a large object which is hard to maintain.

That's why we have an Attachments class which helps you create attachment formattings.

Note: websocket must be set to false to send attachments. See chat.postMessage


The bot.Attachments class extends Array, so you can treat it just like an array. There are methods for most of your formatting needs:

good, warning, danger! (and goodOr)

These methods are aliases for colors good, warning and danger. danger`.

They take the text as first parameter and another params. By default, the fallback value is set to something like: Good: ${text}.

   const attachments = new bot.Attachments();
   attachments.good('You look good!');
   //^ { text: 'You look good!', color: 'good', fallback: 'Good: You look good!' }

   attachments.good('You look the best!',


You might wonder what this does. Sometimes you want your bot to either send a success message or show the errors. In these cases, you would have to check for some conditions, add errors, and if no error is found, you specify a success message. To make this easier, you can specify a goodOr message which is automatically removed if you add another attachment afterwards.

    const attachments = new bot.Attachments();

    // some time later, you find an error
    attachments.danger('Oops! Something bad happened.');

    console.log(attachments.length); // 1

See Attachments#color.

image, thumb

These are pretty similar, they take a url and a params object. Default fallback of these types is Image: ${url} or Thumb: ${url}.

   const attachments = new bot.Attachments();

See Attachments#image_url and Attachments#thumb_url.


Specifies the author_name, author_link and author_icon. Takes parameters for these properties in order. Default fallback: Author: ${name}, ${link}, ${icon}.

   const attachments = new bot.Attachments();'Mahdi Dibaiee', '', '');

See Attachments#author_parameters.


Sets the title and title_link properties. Default fallback: Title: ${title}, ${link}.

   const attachments = new bot.Attachments();
   attachments.title('Something Amazing', '');

See Attachments#title_and_title_link.


This method doesn't do anything special, just adds an attachment with the fields property set. No fallback value is set for this type.

  const attachments = new bot.Attachments();
  attachments.fields([{ title: 'Hi', short: true }]);

See Attachments#fields.


Adds an attachment to the array.

  const attachments = new bot.Attachments();
    title: 'Something',
    text: 'Yep!',
    fallback: 'Something: Yep!'

results matching ""

    No results matching ""